MPT Digital Studios
The Dig: Innovate HER
An interactive discussion with Black women entrepreneurs.
Regional and local debates, art, and innovation can all be found in Maryland. With a keen eye, Maryland Public Television's "The Dig" turns up information on contested topics, undiscovered gems, and the cutting edge.
MPT Digital Studios
An interactive discussion with Black women entrepreneurs.
Award-winning artist, educator, and HBCU alumni Ernest Shaw.
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Baltimore's unique music and dance genre is poised for a post-pandemic comeback.
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Local women run arts and culture programs in East Baltimore.
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Unique twist on a local Baltimore tradition.
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CASA de Maryland makes an impact with their grassroots campaign.
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A Baltimore herbalist discusses some of her history and practices.
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A program director delves into the ways in which CBD is distributed in Maryland.
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A surprising discovery is made in an abandoned piece of land.
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The Simon Hill cemetery community.
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Human remains from abandoned cemetery are sent for forensic and medical analysis.
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Simon Hill cemetery conclusion - DNA and other test results combine to solve the mystery.
Acknowledgements for "A Maryland Mystery Lady":
DNA Labs International • First Baptist Church of North Brentwood • Gasch’s Funeral Home • Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration • Maryland National Memorial Cemetery • Maryland State Anatomy Board • Parabon Nanolabs • St. Paul Baptist Church • Towson University • University of Maryland, School of Medicine
Dr. Barry Daly, University of Maryland, School of Medicine • CeCe Moore, Genetic Genealogist, Parabon Nanolabs • Michael A. Mullen • Ronn Wade, Former Director, Maryland State Anatomy Board